Inequities in Computer Literacy

Digital inequity means that the major differences in the digital material and cognitive resources that are available to make the information and digital communication good for us. There are some countries that consider that if a student has access to a computer or a tablet, it means that they are making the students become computer literate. According to a study, there is also a great difference between the achievement levels of the students in the same nation.


Performance of South Korea and Kazakhstan Students:

In order to get an idea about the computer literacy skills, a survey was conducted in South Korea. The people who have participated in this survey were able to do an average score of 682. In order to get an idea about their ability level, they have used a scale from 1 to 700. In a similar way, they have also conducted a survey in Kazakhstan. On the basis of these results, they were able to know that the average score of Kazakhstan is 118 points less than the average score of South Korea. On the other hand, if we compare the average score of 5% lowest students in South Korea and Kazakhstan, their differences are shocking for them. Its reason is that now, Kazakhstan is 312 points higher than South Korea. For this reason, they have also concluded that the students who have lots of books in their homes and whom living standard is high are able to perform well in these computer literacy tests than other students.


Socio-Economic Status and Computer Literacy:

We can also observe differences in computer literacy on the basis of socio-economic status. This study has also provided different results of computer literacy of different students with different socio-economic status. For example, the students whom parents have got bachelor’s degrees are able to acquire an average score of 518 points. The students whose parents have not got a bachelor’s degree are able to acquire only 487 points. The students whom parents have the high status of living are able to acquire 522 points. In a similar way, the students whom parents have the lower status of living are able to acquire only 485 points.


Middling Performance from US Students:

In order to assess the computer literacy skills of the students, the researchers have chosen a sample of 40 students and they have assessed their abilities by providing them questionnaires. For this reason, they have chosen students from 14 different countries. In these samples, they have also assessed more than 46,000 students and 26,000 teachers.  In order to get an idea about computer literacy of the students, they have asked questions about different things like MS Office, digital photography, database and information relevant to the internet. In this research, it is also found that most of the students have got these basic skills from their homes.


In the developed countries, it is also found that if their students are not able to acquire these skills from their homes and they are able to acquire these skills from the schools. Some students urged that they got these skills from dissertation writing services. They have also provided some suggestions for the teachers that they should not assume that their students have these skills. They should take an overview of these skills of the students and try to teach skills to their students. In the research, they have also concluded that 95% of students in the advanced countries are confident in digital collaboration. On the basis of these results, we can also conclude that the US is in the middle.


Strong Showing for Girls:

In these sample groups, there were also some girls and boys. They have taken an overview of the computer literacy of the girls as well as boys. The results of this research have shown that girls have performed well than boys. The average score of the girls was 505 and the average score of the boys was 498. These results are also similar to the results of the National Assessment for Educational Progress. The results of the National Assessment for Educational Progress also show that girls have strong computer skills than boys. Before this survey, it was considered that boys are better than girls in the computer and technology but the results of this survey have proven that it was a myth because girls can perform better in both computer and technology than boys. The results of this survey also show that most of the students don’t have advance level computer skills.

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